I've seen a post lately on many Facebook walls about the Flu shot being "useless" and quoting Dr. Doshi. The article that is posted is found here: http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/Headline/influenza-virus-flu-vaccine-Peter-Doshi-Ph-D-/2013/05/16/id/504942
On the surface, it seems like a good, sound article. But, about midways thru, it throws up a HUGE red flag. They switch from Dr. Doshi's (he, by the way, is a researcher who has forced many pharmaceutical companies into releasing their clinical data, and particulary attacked the makers of Tamiflu. He's a trusted source, and they quote him in this article, but he does NOT advocate against the vaccine, merely against marketing it as it is) information to a "Dr. Russell Blaylock", who uses the phrase ""The vaccine is completely worthless, and the government knows it."
This, and his parroting of the mercury in the vaccines will kill you theory, led me to research him a little bit. Now, bear in mind, I am NOT a neurologist, I am not a member of the CDC. I'm just a nurse, with a good BS Barometer. But, what I turned up was that the man who makes a vastly over-reaching statement of "Mercury overstimulates the brain for several years, says Dr. Blaylock, and that activation is the cause of Alzheimer's and other degenerative diseases." has his own product... wait for it...
A BRAIN PROTECTION KIT!!! Yes, for $54, he'll keep you from getting Alzheimers, Parkinsons and all sorts of stuff. The best part?? It's for sale on the "news" website that the article is from! He'll actually "give" you the kit for free, if you just subscribe to his newsletter, a collection of non-peer-reviewed information from him. The $54 is for your subscription.
Now, considering that there has been multinational research into Alzheimers, and no clear cause has been found, but this guy states definitively that HE knows what causes it, he sounds like a quack to me. The fact that he is lashing out at vaccines, which have been proven to NOT cause Autism, no matter what Jenny McCarthy from former MTV "fame" tells you, makes the quacking noise come so loudly at me it's like a flock of ducks. Do ducks come in flocks? I have no idea.
So, should you or shouldn't you get a vaccine? I'm surrounded by unhealthy people with poor health habits all day at work. It's a no-brainer for me, I always get one. I've also never had the flu. Coincidence? I doubt it.
But, it's up to YOU. Decide for yourself. But, do it wisely. Don't let some quack trying to sell his newsletter fear-monger you into not getting it. Don't let some pharmaceutical company wanting to make money off you fear-monger you into getting it. Do sound research and decide for yourself. Look at non-biased groups, who aren't making money or receiving pharmaceutical company money. I always look to the CDC, because they are charged with the large-scale version of our health. What is best for the majority of us? That's what they see. But, again, arm yourself with knowledge and make your own call.
I will state one more time, for the record, I am NOT an authority on quacks, flu, vaccines, ducks, neurology, mercury, spandex, super-glue or many other things. Don't take my advice, because I'm "just a nurse." Make your own advice, folks. It works better that way.